The PC-SIG Library 9
The PC-SIG Library on CD ROM - Ninth Edition.iso
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Assembly Source File
1,103 lines
public bufpnt, buff, fcb, cpfcb, chrcnt, fixfcb, init, init1,
public gofil, outbuf, ptchr, gtchr, gtnfil, getfil, filbuf,
public encode, decode, nulref, nulr, decbuf, errpack, rptq,
public origr, rptct, rptval, clrfln, cxmsg, biterr, intmsg,
public rtpos, erpos,rppos, stpos,nppos,rprpos,nrtpos,sppos,
public kbpos,perpos,frpos, prtscr
include msdefs.h
rptmin equ 3 ; At least 3 of same char in a row.
; equates for screen positioning
scrfln equ 0316H ; Place for file name.
scrkb equ 0416H ; Place for percent transferred.
scrper equ 0516H ; Place for Kbytes transferred.
scrst equ 0616H ; Place for status.
scrnp equ 0816H ; Place for number of packets.
scrnrt equ 0916H ; Place for number of retries.
screrr equ 0A16H ; Place for error msgs.
scrhi equ 0B16H ; Err when 8th bit is on.
scrfr equ 0B16H ; Rename file.
scrint equ 0B16H ; Acknowledge interrupt. [20b]
scrsp equ 0C00H ; Place for send packet.
scrrp equ 0E00H ; Place for receive packet.
scrrpr equ 1100H ; Prompt when Kermit ends.
datas segment public 'datas'
extrn data:byte, flags:byte, trans:byte, pack:byte, hierr:byte
extrn dosnum:byte
outlin db cr,lf,cr,lf
db cr,lf,' File name:'
db cr,lf,' KBytes transferred:'
db cr,lf
db cr,lf
db cr,lf
db cr,lf,' Number of packets:'
db cr,lf,' Number of retries:'
db cr,lf,' Last error: None'
db cr,lf,' Last warning: None'
db '$'
ermes4 db 'Unable to rename file$'
erms10 db '?Unable to receive data$'
erms11 db '?Disk full$'
erms12 db '?Unable to create file$'
erms17 db 'Record length exceeds size of buffer$'
infms5 db 'Renaming file to $'
infms7 db 'File interrupt$'
infms8 db 'File group interrupt$'
hibit db 'Warning - Non Ascii char$'
crlf db cr,lf,'$'
printer db 0,'PRN '
spchar db 24H,26H,23H,40H,21H,25H,27H,28H,29H,2DH
db 3CH,3EH,7BH,7DH,5FH,5CH,5EH,7EH,7CH,60H
spclen equ $-spchar ; Number of special chars.
spchar2 db 24H,26H,23H,40H,21H,25H,27H,28H,29H,2DH
db 7BH,7DH,5FH,5EH,7EH,60H
spc2len equ $-spchar2
next db 0FFH ; No next character just yet.
rptval db 0 ; Repeated character.
rptct db 1 ; Number of times it's repeated.
rptq db drpt ; Repeat prefix.
origr db drpt ; Original repeat prefix.
temp1 dw ? ; Temporary storage.
temp2 dw ?
oloc dw 0 ; Original buffer location. [21c]
osiz dw 0 ; Original buffer size. [21c]
chrcnt dw ? ; Number of chars in the file buffer.
outpnt dw ? ; Position in packet.
bufpnt dw ? ; Position in file buffer.
fdtpnt dw ? ; Pointer to within our file.
fcbptr dw ? ; Position in FCB.
cbfptr dw ? ; Position in character buffer.
filsiz dw 0 ; Double word for filesize (in bytes.)
dw 0
ofilsz dw 0 ; Original file size percent adjusted (/100).
tfilsz dw 0 ; Bytes transferred.
dw 0
oldper dw ? ; old percentage
oldkbt dw ? ; old KB transferred.
wrpmsg db ? ; non-zero if we wrote percent message
percnt dw 100 ; Number to divide by for a percent.
bufhex dw 80H
permsg db cr,' Percent transferred:$'
cxzhlp db '^X cancels file, ^Z cancels batch'
db ', ^E aborts protocol'
db ', ^C quits'
db ', Return retries'
db '$'
asmsg db ' AS '
asmln equ $-asmsg
filbuf db 60H DUP(?) ; Character buffer.
buff db dmasiz DUP(?) ; Use as our DTA.
fcb db fcbsiz DUP(?) ; Use as our FCB.
cpfcb db fcbsiz DUP(?) ; Save FCB in case of "*". [7]
decbuf db dmasiz DUP(?) ; For decoding incoming data.
datas ends
code segment public
extrn spack:near, cmblnk:near, locate:near, nout:near
extrn putmod:near, poscur:near, clearl:near, fcbcpy:near
assume cs:code,ds:datas
; Position cursor for an error message.
cmp flags.xflg,1 ; Packet header seen? [21c start]
jne erp0 ; No, do as normal.
mov dx,offset crlf
mov ah,prstr
int dos
erp0: mov dx,screrr
jmp poscur
; Position cursor for number of retries message.
cmp flags.xflg,1 ; Packet header seen? [21c]
jne rtp0 ; No, do as normal.
rtp0: mov dx,scrnrt
jmp poscur
; Reassure user that we acknowledge his ^X/^Z.
cmp flags.xflg,0 ; Writing to screen?
jne int1 ; Yes. Don't do anything.
mov dx,scrint
call poscur
call clearl
mov dx,offset infms7 ; File interrupted?
cmp flags.cxzflg,'X' ; Yes.
je int0
mov dx,offset infms8 ; File group interrupted.
int0: mov ah,prstr
int dos
int1: ret
; Print err message that found a non-standard-Ascii char in the file.
cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne biter1 ; yes, no printing.
push bx
mov dx,scrhi
call poscur
call clearl
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset hibit
int dos
pop bx
biter1: ret
; Clear out message about interrupted file.
cmp flags.xflg,0 ; Writing to screen?
jne cxm0 ; Yes. Don't do anything.
mov dx,scrint
call poscur
call clearl
cxm0: ret
; Clear out the old filename on the screen.
mov dx,scrfln
call poscur
call clearl ; Clear to end of line. [19a]
; some random screen positioning functions
kbpos: mov dx,scrkb ; KBytes transferred.
call poscur
jmp clearl
perpos: mov dx,scrper ; Percent transferred.
call poscur
jmp clearl
frpos: mov dx,scrfr ; Say renamed file.
call poscur
jmp clearl
stpos: mov dx,scrst ; Print status of file transfer.
call poscur
jmp clearl
nppos: mov dx,scrnp ; Number of packets sent.
jmp poscur
rprpos: mov dx,scrrpr ; Reprompt position.
jmp poscur
nrtpos: mov dx,scrnrt ; Number of retries.
jmp poscur
sppos: mov dx,scrsp ; Send packet location.
jmp poscur
rppos: mov dx,scrrp ; Receive packet location.
jmp poscur
; Initialize buffers and clear line.
call cmblnk
call locate
mov ah,prstr ; Put statistics headers on the screen.
mov dx,offset outlin
int dos
mov dx,offset cxzhlp
call putmod ; write mode line
mov wrpmsg,0 ; haven't printed the messsage yet.
call init1
mov chrcnt,dmasiz ; Number of chars left.
mov bufpnt,offset buff ; Addr for beginning.
mov hierr,0
; Output the chars in a packet.
; Called with AX = size of the data, BX = address of source.
ptchr: mov cx,ax
mov ax,offset outbuf ;Where to put data when buffer gets full.
jmp decode
; CX = Size of data, BX = Address of data, AX = Routine to call to
; dump data.
decode: push si
push di
push es
push dx
push ax
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
pop ax
mov si,bx ; Source of data.
mov bx,ax ; Coroutine to call.
mov di,bufpnt ; Destination of data.
mov dh,0 ; assume no quote char
cmp trans.ebquot,'N' ; no quoting?
je decod1 ; yes, keep going
cmp trans.ebquot,'Y' ; or not doing it?
je decod1 ; yes, keep going
mov dh,trans.ebquot ; otherwise use quote char
decod1: mov rptct,0 ; Reset.
mov rptval,0 ; Ditto.
dec cx
jge dcod11 ; More data.
jmp decod6 ; Else, we're through.
dcod11: dec chrcnt ; Decrement number of chars in dta.
jns decod2 ; Continue if space left.
push cx
push dx
push bx
call bx ; Output it if full.
jmp decod5 ; Error return if disk is full.
pop bx
pop dx
pop cx
mov di,bufpnt
decod2: cmp rptct,0 ; Doing a repeat?
je dcod20 ; No, so go get a character.
mov ah,0
mov al,rptval ; Get the character we're repeating.
jmp decod4 ; And write it out to the file.
dcod20: lodsb ; Pick up a char.
cmp rptq,0 ; Doing repeat quoting?
je dcod21 ; Nope, skip this part.
cmp al,rptq ; Did we pick up the repeat quote char?
jne dcod21 ; No, continue processing it.
lodsb ; Get the size.
dec cx ; Modify buffer count.
sub al,20H ; Was made printable.
mov rptct,al ; Remember how many repetitions.
lodsb ; Get the char to repeat.
dec cx ; Modify buffer count.
dcod21: mov ah,00H ; Assume no 8-bit quote char. [21b start]
cmp al,dh ; This the 8-bit quot char?
jne decod3
lodsb ; Get the real character.
dec cx ; Decrement # chars in packet
mov ah,80H ; Turn on 8-bit quot char flag. [21b end]
decod3: cmp al,trans.squote ; Is it the quote char? [21b] [21c]
jne decod4 ; If not proceed.
lodsb ; Get the quoted character
dec cx ; Decrement # of chars in packet.
or ah,al ; save parity (combine with prefix)
and ah,80h ; only parity
and al,7FH ; Turn off the parity bit.
cmp al,trans.squote ; Is it the quote char? [21c]
je decod4 ; If so just go write it out.
cmp al,dh ; This the 8-bit quot char?
je decod4 ; If so, just go write it out
cmp al,rptq ; Is is the repeat quote character?
je decod4 ; If so, just write it out.
add al,40H ; Make it a control char again.
and al,7FH ; Modulo 128.
decod4: or al,ah ; or in parity
stosb ; store the character
dec rptct ; Repeat counter.
cmp rptct,0 ; Write out char again?
jg dcod41
jmp decod1 ; No, get next char.
dcod41: mov rptval,al ; Save the char.
jmp dcod11 ; and loop to next char.
decod5: pop bx
pop dx ; dx is pushed twice (really)
pop cx
pop dx
pop es
pop di
pop si
decod6: mov bufpnt,di
pop dx
pop es
pop di
pop si
jmp rskp ; Return successfully if done.
; output the buffer, reset bufpnt and chrcnt
outbuf: cmp flags.xflg,1 ; Writing to screen? [21c]
je outbf2 ; Yes, handle specially. [21c]
push bx
mov ah,writef ; The write code.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos ; Write the record.
pop bx
cmp al,0 ; Successful.
jz outbf1
push ax ; Remember the return code. [20d]
call abfil ; Fix things up before aborting. [20d]
pop ax ; Retrive return code. [20d]
cmp al,01
jz outbf0
call erpos
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset erms17 ; Record length exceeds dta.
int dos
outbf0: call erpos
mov ah,prstr ; Tell about it.
mov dx,offset erms11 ; Disk full error.
int dos
outbf1: add tfilsz+2,80H ; Say 128 more characters received.
adc tfilsz,0
call kbpr ; Print the kilobytes received.
call perpr ; Print the percent ('?' for now).
outb11: mov bufpnt,offset buff ; Addr for beginning.
mov chrcnt,dmasiz-1 ; Buffer size.
jmp rskp
outbf2: mov cx,dmasiz-1 ; Number of chars to write. [21c]
sub cx,chrcnt ; minus # of unused in buffer
jle outb11 ; none to print, don't try
mov di,offset buff ; Where they are. [21c]
call prtscr ; Output buffer to screen. [21c]
jmp outb11 ; Reset counter & pointer. [21c]
; Tidy up before aborting. [20d]
mov flags.xflg,1 ; Writing to screen?
je abfil0 ; Yes don't delete "file".
mov ah,closf ; Close the file.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
cmp flags.abfflg,1 ; Delete what got across or keep it?
jne abfil0 ; Nope, keep it.
mov ah,delf ; Delete it.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
abfil0: mov bx,offset erms10 ; Text of message to send.
call errpack ; Send an error packet.
; General routine for sending an error packet. Register BX should
; point to the text of the message being sent in the packet. [20f]
mov di,offset data ; Where to put the message.
mov al,0
errp1: mov ah,[bx]
cmp ah,'$' ; At end of message?
je errp2
inc al ; Remember number of chars in msg.
mov [di],ah
inc bx
inc di
jmp errp1
errp2: mov ah,0
mov pack.argbk1,ax
mov ah,'E' ; And send an error packet.
call spack
ret ; Return if succeed or fail.
; Get the chars from the file.
gtchr: cmp flags.filflg,0 ; Is there anything in the DMA?
jz gtchr0 ; Yup, proceed.
mov ah,rptq
mov origr,ah ; Save repeat prefix here.
mov rptct,1 ; Number of times char is repeated.
mov rptval,0 ; Value of repeated char.
call inbuf
jmp gtchr1 ; No more chars, go return EOF.
nop ; Make three bytes long.
gtchr0: mov bx,offset inbuf
jmp encode
gtchr1: mov ax,0ffffh
; encode - writes data portion of kermit packet into filbuf.
; expects BX to contain the address of a routine to refill the buffer,
; chrcnt to be the # of chars in the buffer, trans.maxdat to contain
; the maximum size of the data packet, bufpnt to contain a pointer to
; the source of the characters.
; Returns: AX/ the number of characters actually written to the buffer.
encode: mov cl,trans.maxdat ; Maximum packet size. [21b]
mov ch,0
mov di,offset filbuf ; Where to put the data.
mov si,bufpnt ; pointer into source buffer
mov dl,trans.rquote ; send quote char
mov dh,0 ; assume no 8-bit quoting
cmp trans.ebquot,'N' ; not doing 8-bit quoting
je encod1
cmp trans.ebquot,'Y' ; or can but won't?
je encod1
mov dh,0ffh ; remember we have to do it
encod1: dec cx ; Decrement output buffer counter.
jge encod2 ; Go on if there is more than one left.
sub di,offset filbuf
mov ax,di
mov bufpnt,si ; update pointer into DMA.
jmp rskp
encod2: cmp chrcnt,0 ; Any data in buffer?
jg encod3 ; yes, skip over buffer refill.
call bx ; Get another buffer full.
jmp encod8
mov si,bufpnt ; update position in DMA.
cmp chrcnt,0 ; no characters returned?
jne encod3 ; Got some, keep going.
jmp encod8 ; none, assume eof.
encod3: dec chrcnt ; Decrement input count.
cmp flags.eofcz,0 ; Is a control-z an end of file? [27b]
je encd30 ; No, don't have to look for one. [27b]
cmp al,'Z'-40H ; Is this a control-Z? [27b]
jne encd30 ; No, skip eof-processing. [27b]
mov flags.eoflag,0FFH ; Yes, set eof flag. [27b]
jmp encod8 ; Go set character count and return. [27b]
encd30: cmp rptq,0 ; Are we doing repeat prefixing?
je encd3x ; Nope, skip next part.
cmp chrcnt,0 ; Are we on the last character?
jle encd31 ; Yes, so there's no next character.
cmp rptct,94 ; Max number that we can put in a byte.
je encd31 ; Then that's it.
mov ah,[si] ; Get the next character.
cmp al,ah ; Is current char == next char?
jne encd31
inc rptct ; Number of times char appears.
mov rptval,al ; Remember the character.
inc cx ; Repeats don't take up so much buffer space.
jmp encod1 ; Keep checking for more.
encd31: cmp rptct,1 ; Were previous characters repeats?
je encd3x ; No, so just add this char.
cmp rptct,rptmin ; Are we within bounds for repeat prefixing?
jge encd32 ; Yes, use repeat prefixing.
mov al,rptct
mov ah,0
sub si,ax ; Not enough characters to warrant it.
mov rptval,0 ; Clear out this value.
inc cx ; Adjust output buffer pointer.
mov al,rptq
mov origr,al ; Save original repeat prefix.
mov rptq,0 ; Pretend we're not doing the prefixing.
mov al,rptct
mov ah,0
add chrcnt,ax ; Adjust input buffer pointer.
jmp encod1 ; Reprocess those characters.
encd32: push ax ; Do repeat prefixing - save data.
mov al,rptq ; Add repeat prefix char.
dec cx ; Account for it in buffer size.
mov al,rptct ; Get the repeat count.
add al,20H ; Make it printable.
stosb ; Add to buffer.
dec cx
pop ax ; Get back the actual character.
mov rptct,1 ; Reset repeat count.
mov rptval,0 ; And this.
encd3x: cmp dh,0 ; are we doing 8-bit quoting?
je encod4 ; no, forget this.
test al,80h ; parity on?
je encod4 ; no, don't bother with this
and al,7fh ; turn off parity
push ax ; save original char for a bit
dec cx ; decrement # of chars left
mov al,trans.ebquot ; get quote char
stosb ; save in buffer
pop ax ; restore character
encod4: mov ah,al ; save character
and ah,80h ; only parity
and al,7fh ; turn off parity in character
cmp al,' ' ; Compare to a space.
jl encod5 ; If less then its a control char.
cmp al,del ; Is the char a delete?
jz encod5 ; Go quote it.
cmp al,dl ; Is it the quote char?
je encod6 ; Yes - go add it. [21b start]
cmp dh,0 ; are we doing 8-bit quoting?
je encd41 ; no, don't translate it
cmp al,trans.ebquot ; Is it the 8-bit quote char?
je encod6 ; Yes, just output with quote
encd41: cmp origr,0 ; Doing repeat prefixing?
je encod7 ; No, don't check for quote char.
cmp al,origr ; Is this the repeat quote character.
je encod6 ; Yes, then quote it.
jmp short encod7 ; else don't quote it.
encod5: add al,40h ; control char, uncontrollify
and al,7fh
encod6: push ax ; save the char
dec cx
mov al,dl
pop ax
encod7: or al,ah ; put parity back
cmp rptct,1 ; One occurence of this char?
jne encd7x
mov al,origr
mov rptq,al ; Restore repeat quote char.
jmp encod1 ; Yes, so loop around for some more.
encd7x: dec rptct ; Add another entry of this char.
jmp encod1 ; With quoting and all.
encod8: sub di,offset filbuf
or di,di
je encod9 ; Nope.
mov ax,di
jmp rskp
encod9: mov ax,0FFFFH ; Get a minus one.
inbuf: mov ah,flags.eoflag ; Have we reached the end?
cmp ah,0
jz inbuf0
ret ; Return if set.
inbuf0: push si
push di
push dx
push bx
push cx
mov bx,offset buff ; Set the r/w buffer pointer.
mov bufpnt,bx
mov ah,readf ; Read a record.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
mov cx,filsiz
cmp cx,0 ; Check for 128 chars or less left.
jne inbuf1 ; Still have data left.
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax
mov si,offset filsiz+2
mov di,offset bufhex
cmps filsiz+2,es:bufhex
ja inbuf1 ; More than 128 chars.
mov flags.eoflag,0FFH ; Set End-of-file.
mov cx,filsiz+2
mov chrcnt,cx ; Return proper number of chars.
mov flags.filflg,0 ; Buffer not empty.
pop cx
pop bx
pop dx
pop di
pop si
jmp rskp
inbuf1: sub filsiz+2,80H ; Sent another 128 chars.
sbb filsiz,0 ; Account for the doubleword.
add tfilsz+2,80H ; Book keeping for the same.
adc tfilsz,0
push ax
call kbpr ; Print the kilobytes sent.
call perpr ; Print the percent sent.
pop ax
mov al,80H ; Use as counter for number of chars read.
pop cx
pop bx
pop dx
pop di
pop si
mov ah,0 ; Zero the flag (buffer not empty).
mov chrcnt,ax ; Number of chars read from file.
mov flags.filflg,0 ; Buffer not empty.
jmp rskp
nulref: mov chrcnt,0 ; No data to return.
jmp rskp
nulr: ret
; Print the number of Kilobytes transferred.
kbpr: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne kbpr1 ; yes, no printing.
mov ax,tfilsz+2
mov bx,tfilsz
mov cl,10
shr ax,cl ; divide by 1024
mov cl,6 ; high order moves 16-10 = 6 bits
shl bx,cl
or ax,bx
cmp ax,oldkbt ; is it the same?
je kbpr1 ; yes, skip printing
mov oldkbt,ax ; save new # of kb
push ax
call kbpos ; Postion the cursor.
pop ax
call nout ; Print the number of KBytes transferred.
kbpr1: ret
; Print the percent transferred.
perpr: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne perpr5 ; yes, no printing.
mov ax,tfilsz
or ax,tfilsz+2
cmp ax,oldper ; same as it was before?
je perpr5 ; yes, don't bother printing.
mov oldper,ax ; remember this for next time
cmp ofilsz,0 ; No divide by zeroes.
je perpr5 ; If not proceed.
cmp wrpmsg,0 ; did we write the percentage message?
jne perpr1 ; yes, skip this part
call perpos ; position cursor
mov dx,offset permsg
mov ah,prstr
int dos ; write out message
mov wrpmsg,1 ; init flag so we don't do it again
perpr1: call perpos ; Position the cursor.
perpr2: mov dx,tfilsz ; Get the high order word.
mov ax,tfilsz+2 ; Get the low order word.
div ofilsz ; Div by percent adjusted original file size.
cmp ax,100 ; > 100% ?
jle perpr3 ; no, accept it
mov ax,100 ; else just use 100
perpr3: call nout
mov dl,'%' ; Load a percent sign.
perpr4: mov ah,conout ; Print the character.
int dos
perpr5: ret
getfil: mov ah,0FFH
mov flags.filflg,ah ; Nothing in the DMA.
mov ax,0
mov flags.eoflag,ah ; Not the end of file.
mov bx,offset fcb+0CH
mov [bx],ax ; Zero the current block number.
mov bx,offset fcb+0EH
mov [bx],ax ; Ditto for Lrecl.
mov bx,offset fcb+20H
mov [bx],ah ; Zero the current record (of block).
inc bx
mov [bx],ax ; Same for record (of file).
mov bx,offset fcb+23H
mov [bx],ax
mov ah,openf ; Open the file.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
mov dx,word ptr fcb+18 ; get file size (hi order word)
mov filsiz,dx
mov ax,word ptr fcb+16 ; lo order word
mov filsiz+2,ax
div percnt ; Divide by 100.
mov ofilsz,ax
mov tfilsz,0 ; Set bytes sent to zero.
mov tfilsz+2,0
mov oldkbt,-1
mov oldper,-1
cmp filsiz,0 ; Null file?
jne getfl0 ; Nope.
cmp filsiz+2,0 ; Null file?
jne getfl0 ; Nope.
mov flags.eoflag,0FFH ; Set EOF.
getfl0: jmp rskp
gtnfil: cmp flags.cxzflg,'Z' ; Did we have a ^Z? [20b]
je gtn5 ; If yes, we're done sending files. [20b]
cmp flags.wldflg,0 ; Was there a "*"? [7 start]
je gtn5 ; Nope.
mov bx,offset cpfcb ; Get FCB from last check for file.
mov di,offset fcb ; Copy to FCB.
mov cl,37 ; Size of FCB.
call fcbcpy
gtn2: mov ah,snext
mov dx,offset fcb ; More files?
int dos
cmp al,0FFH
je gtn5
mov bx,offset fcb
mov di,offset cpfcb
mov cl,37
call fcbcpy ; Copy from FCB.
mov di,offset fcb+1 ; Get name of next file to send.
mov bx,offset buff+1
mov cl,11
call fcbcpy
call getfil ; Initialize
jmp r
jmp rskp
gtn5: mov flags.wldflg,0 ; Reset wild card flag.
ret ; [7 end]
; Get the file name (including host to micro translation)
gofil: cmp flags.xflg,1 ; Remote command? [21c]
jne goflx ; No.... [21c]
jmp gofla ; Yes so skip this stuff. [21c]
goflx: cmp flags.nmoflg,1 ; Overriding name from other side? [21a]
jne gofil0 ; No - get the filename. [21a]
jmp gofil7 ; Yes, so ignore packet contents. [21a]
gofil0: mov bx,offset data ; Get the address of the file name. [21a]
mov fdtpnt,bx ; Store the address.
mov bx,offset fcb+1 ; Address of the FCB.
mov fcbptr,bx ; Save it.
mov ax,0
mov temp1,ax ; Initialize the char count.
mov temp2,ax
cmp flags.droflg,1 ; Default drive? [21a]
je gofil1 ; No - don't blank out value in FCB. [21a]
mov si,offset fcb
mov [si],ah ; Set the drive to default to current.
gofil1: mov ch,' ' ; Moved the label. [21a]
mov [bx],ch ; Blank the FCB.
inc bx
inc ah
cmp ah,0BH ; Twelve?
jl gofil1
gofil2: mov bx,fdtpnt ; Get the NAME field.
mov ah,[bx]
inc bx
mov fdtpnt,bx
cmp ah,'.' ; Seperator?
jne gofil3
mov bx,offset fcb+9H
mov fcbptr,bx
mov ax,temp1
mov temp2,ax
mov temp1,9H
jmp gofil6
gofil3: cmp ah,0 ; Trailing null?
jz gofil7 ; Then we're done.
call verlet ; Verify that the char is legal.
mov bx,fcbptr
mov [bx],ah
inc bx
mov fcbptr,bx
mov ax,temp1 ; Get the char count.
inc ax
mov temp1,ax
cmp ax,8H ; Are we finished with this field?
jl gofil2
gofil4: mov temp2,ax
mov bx,fdtpnt
mov ah,[bx]
inc bx
mov fdtpnt,bx
cmp ah,0
jz gofil7
cmp ah,'.' ; Is this the terminator?
jne gofil4 ; Go until we find it.
gofil6: mov bx,fdtpnt ; Get the TYPE field.
mov ah,[bx]
inc bx
mov fdtpnt,bx
cmp ah,0 ; Trailing null?
jz gofil7 ; Then we're done.
call verlet ; Verify that the char is legal.
mov bx,fcbptr
mov [bx],ah
inc bx
mov fcbptr,bx
inc temp1 ; Increment char count.
cmp temp1,0CH ; Are we finished with this field?
jl gofil6
gofil7: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne gofil7a ; yes, don't print it.
call prtfn ; Print the file name. [21a]
gofil7a:cmp flags.destflg,0 ; Writing to the printer?
jne gf7y
push es
mov ax,ds
mov es,ax ; Set this up.
mov cx,11
mov si,offset printer
mov di,offset fcb
repne movsb ; Change name in FCB to be printer.
pop es
jmp gofil9
gf7y: mov ah,flags.flwflg ; Is file warning on?
cmp ah,0
jnz gf7x
jmp gofil9 ; If not, just proceed.
gf7x: mov ah,openf ; See if the file exists.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
cmp al,0FFH ; Does it exist?
jnz gf8x
jmp gofil9 ; If not create it.
gf8x: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne gf8xa ; yes, skip printing
call frpos ; Position cursor.
mov ah,prstr ; Inform the user we are renaming the file.
mov dx,offset infms5
int dos
gf8xa: mov ax,temp2 ; Get the number of chars in the file name.
cmp ax,0
jne gofil8
mov ax,temp1
mov temp2,ax
gofil8: mov ch,0
mov cl,al
mov al,0 ; Says if first field is full.
cmp cl,9H ; Is the first field full?
jne gofl81
mov al,0FFH ; Set a flag saying so.
dec cl
gofl81: mov bx,offset fcb ; Get the FCB.
add bx,cx ; Add in the character number.
mov ah,'&'
mov [bx],ah ; Replace the char with an ampersand.
push ax
push bx
mov ah,openf ; See if the file exists.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
pop bx
cmp al,0FFH ; Does it exist?
pop ax
jz gofl89 ; If not create it.
cmp al,0 ; Get the flag.
jz gofl83
dec cl ; Decrement the number of chars.
cmp cl,0
jz gofl88 ; If no more, die.
jmp gofl81
gofl83: inc cl ; Increment the number of chars.
cmp cl,9H ; Are we to the end?
jl gofl81 ; If not try again ; else fail.
gofl88: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne gofl88a ; yes, no printing
call erpos ; Position cursor.
mov ah,prstr ; Tell the user that we can't rename it.
mov dx,offset ermes4
int dos
gofl88a:mov bx,dx ; Tell host can't rename. [20f]
call errpack ; Send error packet before abort. [20f]
gofl89: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode
jne gofil9 ; yes, don't have to print it
mov bx,offset fcb+0CH ; Point past the end of the file name.
mov dh,[bx] ; Save the present contents.
mov ah,'$'
mov [bx],ah ; Put in a dollar sign.
push dx
mov ah,prstr ; Print the file name.
mov dx,offset fcb+1
int dos
pop dx
mov bx,offset fcb+0CH ; Restore over the dollar sign.
mov [bx],dh
gofil9: mov ah,delf ; Delete the file if it exists.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
mov ax,0
mov si,offset fcb+0CH
mov [si],ax ; Zero current block.
mov si,offset fcb+0EH
mov [si],ax ; Same for Lrecl.
mov si,offset fcb+20H
mov [si],ah ; Zero the current record (within block).
inc si
mov [si],ax ; Zero record (within file).
mov si,offset fcb+23H
mov [si],ax
mov ofilsz,0 ; File size unknown.
mov tfilsz,0 ; Set bytes received to zero.
mov tfilsz+2,0
mov oldkbt,-1
mov oldper,-1
mov ah,makef ; Now create it.
mov dx,offset fcb
int dos
cmp al,0FFH ; Is the disk full?
je gf9x
jmp rskp
gf9x: cmp flags.remflg,0 ; remote mode?
jne gf9xa ; yes, don't try printing
call erpos ; Position cursor.
mov ah,prstr ; If so tell the user.
mov dx,offset erms12
int dos
mov bx,dx
gf9xa: call errpack ; Send an error packet.
gofla: cmp pack.argbk1,0 ; Any data in "X" packet? [21c start]
je gofla1 ; Nothing to print.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset crlf
int dos
int dos ; Print another crlf.
mov di,offset data ; Where data is.
mov cx,pack.argbk1 ; How much data we have.
call prtscr ; Print it on the screen.
gofla1: mov ah,prstr
mov dx,offset crlf
int dos
jmp rskp ; And done. [21c end]
; Passed char of incoming filename in AH. Verify that it is legal
; and if not change it to an "X".
verlet: cmp ah,'0'
jl ver2 ; See if it's a legal weird char.
cmp ah,'z'+1
jns ver2
cmp ah,'9'
jle ver1 ; It's between 0-9 so it's OK.
cmp ah,'A'
jl ver2 ; Coud be a weird char.
cmp ah,'Z'
jle ver1 ; It's A-Z so it's OK.
cmp ah,'a'
jl ver2
and ah,137O ; It's a-z, capitalize.
ver1: ret
ver2: push es
mov cx,ds
mov es,cx ; Scan uses ES register.
mov di,offset spchar ; Special chars.
mov cx,spclen ; How many of them.
cmp dosnum,0 ; Under version 2.0
je ver3
mov di,offset spchar2
mov cx,spc2len
ver3: mov al,ah ; Char is in al.
repnz scasb ; Search string for input char.
pop es
mov ah,al ; Return it in AH.
cmp cx,0 ; Was it there?
jnz ver1 ; Yes, return it.
mov ah,'X' ; If illegal, replace with "X".
mov flags.nmoflg,1
; Print incoming filename(s). [21a]
call clrfln ; Position cursor & blank out the line.
mov di,offset data ; Where to put the name.
mov bx,offset fcb ; Where it is now.
cmp flags.droflg,0 ; Drive specified?
je prtfn1
mov dl,[bx] ; Which one did they say?
add dl,'@' ; Make it readable.
mov ah,dconio ; Print the drive name.
int dos
mov dl,':'
int dos
prtfn1: inc bx ; Point to start of filename.
cmp flags.nmoflg,0 ; Is filename in packet?
je prtfn2 ; no, keep going
add di,pack.argbk1 ; bump by length of remote name
mov si,offset asmsg ; something to put after it
mov cx,asmln ; length of it
rep movsb ; add this to the buffer
prtfn2: mov cx,8 ; At most 8 letters in file name.
mov si,bx ; this is source now
prtfn3: lodsb ; get a letter
cmp al,' ' ; Done with name?
je prtfn4 ; yes, continue
stosb ; else store
loop prtfn3 ; and loop thru rest
prtfn4: mov si,offset fcb+9 ; Point to file type.
cmp byte ptr [si],' ' ; is there a type?
je prtfn5 ; Nope so we're done.
mov al,'.' ; Add the dot.
mov cx,3 ; At most 3 letters in file type.
rep movsb ; copy type (incl trailing spaces)
prtfn5: mov byte ptr [di],'$' ; end the string
mov ah,prstr ; Print the file name.
mov dx,offset data
int dos
mov flags.droflg,0 ; Reset flag once have the full name.
mov flags.nmoflg,0
; Print data onto the screen. If text has no "$" in it, just print
; it. Else, do special output for the "$".
; Routine expects: DI = Start of buffer we are to print.
; CX = Number of characters to print. [21c]
mov al,'$' ; This is what we're looking for.
mov oloc,di ; Remember original buffer address.
mov osiz,cx ; And original size.
push es
mov bx,ds
mov es,bx ; Have ES point to data area.
prts0: repnz scasb ; Search for "$" in the buffer.
cmp cx,0 ; Found one?
je prts1 ; No, do a regular DOS call.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,oloc ; Print up to the "$".
int dos
mov ah,dconio
mov dl,'$'
int dos ; Print the "$"
mov oloc,di ; New starting location.
mov osiz,cx ; New size.
jmp prts0
prts1: mov bx,oloc ; The buffer location.
add bx,osiz ; Point past the data.
mov [bx],al ; Add "$" for printing.
mov ah,prstr
mov dx,oloc
int dos
pop es
push ax ; Don't forget this. [22]
mov bx,offset fcb+18
mov di,offset filsiz
mov ax,[bx]
mov [di],ax
mov bx,offset fcb+16
mov ax,[bx]
mov 2[di],ax
pop ax ; Get number of chars in last buffer full. [22]
sub filsiz+2,ax ; Get real file size.
sbb filsiz,0
mov bx,offset fcb+18
mov di,offset filsiz
mov ax,[di]
mov [bx],ax
mov bx,offset fcb+16
mov ax,2[di]
mov [bx],ax
; Jumping to this location is like retskp. It assumes the instruction
; after the call is a jmp addr.
pop bp
add bp,3
push bp
; Jumping here is the same as a ret.
code ends